Yet another reintroduction...

    Well, hello there!! For all of you who already know me, there is no need for an introduction, I'm sure! For all of you who don't, well... Welcome to me!!

   My name is Jax. I am an epileptic, Type 1 Diabetic in end stage renal failure. I am the proud mother of an incredibly awesome Autistic almost 17 year old daughter named Bailey-Ryan.
   We live in a pretty decent sized town that is going through a helluva lot of construction lately! So noisy! The changes that are happening around town are ever full of wonder and enlightenment - the changes are amazing, annoying and sometimes very nostalgic. I love seeing her discover the new things that are happening and telling her stories about the things that were. Where such fond memories have already been made, the thought of others that have yet to become hold a special place in my heart right now - all so excitedly being waited upon!

    We live with family - Gramma (my mom), Uncle Justin (my brother) and Titi Yasmin (my sister). We have a ton of animals: a cat named Maxwell, a bearded dragon named Twitch, two hamsters named Arthur and George, seven guinea pigs (!) named Dante, Darius and Hugh (boys) and Virgil, Beatrice, Stella and Sophie (girls) and a female beta fish named Blueberry. Full house, indeed!! 
Maxwell not caring at all that he's pretty hot sauce...

Twitch, my love! Ain't he just the sexiest beast you've ever seen?! Thanks, Yasmin, for taking such great pics!! <3

Oh, my dearest Blueberry! Prettiest girl I've ever seen - right behind Bailey-Ryan, of course!!

    I definitely have to take pics of the other animals, I don't know why I don't have any! That's just about the poorest excuse ever, even for me! I'll be sure to get on top of it as I plan out these post, I swear (but can't quite promise - bipolar disorder does that to people).

    There are so many different things to talk about that make us, well, us! Hopefully, I'll actually do this blog justice this time around (now that my meds have been adjusted and my moods seem to be evening out quite a bit nicely, I think! I'm so proud of me!!). Once again, welcome to The Life and Times of Who I Am!!
