We all know how this goes...

     I'm a five-foot one-inch body full of bullshit and we all know it. I can't even stand myself. Here's where I'm at with me right now. Get ready to be absolutely bored out of your mind: (...)

    Blueberry the fish passed away about a month ago. I don't know what happened. I'm so sad!! Still haven't decided if I'm going to get another fish or not. Usually, my rule is if I have to think about it twice the answer is yes unless it's a definite no. Sometimes, however, life throws you a simple decision like this and I don't know how to handle it. Yup. WELCOME TO ME!!! 

    I don't look like that anymore! If you follow me on social media, you're already up to date on what I look like. Good for you! 

    Ah, YES!! The mess that is my life! If you're new to me, my cat's name is Maxwell. Yeah, I know you saw him first... 

    I'm a hot mess, though. you gotta at least give me that, right? I keep it real. Mostly because I'm bored out of my mind trying to entertain myself while the rest of the world has yet to realize that some dem peasants be my servants and they need be showing up to work sometime time soon, yo. You still ain't gonna get paid what you're worth but neither am I so, there! We're even! JK! (maybe).
    In true Jax fashion, I decided to borrow three books from the library while I have legit have five or six strewn around my room that I'm already currently reading. GO ME!! I like to go big AND be home while I'm doing it. Pro, yo. I need to start a reading log but I haven't found any templates that I like. Look whose got a crazy idea now!! ME!! Totally gonna hafta mock one up... DAMN IT! (Deep inhale on my THC vape, not gonna lie). While I'm at it though... 

     I forgot to take pics of the boxes beforehand but I decided to start decorating these two cute little boxes that came as packages initially. I'm telling ye, I'M SO BORED!!(Clearly, I'm writing a blogpost). I really just don't know what to do with myself, peeps! Gotta figure that out someday. GONNA figure that one day! Sheesh, I can't stand myself sometimes... 

    Anyway. I have a ton of other things to do on my list of things I should be doing to go about and find other things to do so I can task avoid. Sounds like the best plan I've had yet today! Now, just what to do?!

